If we ask a company manager, or hr expert, it will certainly be high on their wish list to get an effective team. It does not happen overnight and requires just as hard work as any other area of the company’s life.
The good news is that by knowing the stages of group development, we can significantly reduce the time required for this, and by consciously using escape rooms, we can make this process fun instead of torturous.
After the formation of any group, they go through the same 4 phases. And the goal of any structured team-building effort is to get the group to the final phase, called operation.
The stages of development are as follows:
• Evolution
• Storm
• Development of standards
• Operation
Let us see what you need to know about these!
In the first phase, the group members get to know each other and the situation they have fallen into. At times like this, everyone is playing a polite and safety game. Avoids confrontation with other members.
In the escape room, everyone is walking in unfamiliar terrain, so they have to rely on their other strengths than usual. Already at this stage, many novelties can emerge from the players, even if they already knew each other well.
The polite acquaintance phase is followed by a period loaded with conflicts that are more turbulent. This is when the differences and contradictions that have been lurking until then come to the surface. Competition for roles within the team can also start if, for example, there are more ambitious candidates for the leadership position.
Sometimes corporate communities and companies are stuck in these battles for even longer. However, in an escape game, there is no time for this, so it is very important that your teams get over this phase quickly. The ideal is when the roles within the team are clarified quickly along the lines of conflict so that players can rather focus on to find solutions effectively.
After the storm and clarification of roles within the team, norms are set. This is where, among other things, best working methods, habits and patterns of effective co-operation are born.
The puzzles of the escape rooms require a different approach from the players. It is important that they have a common understanding of the methodology along which the common goal of getting out can be achieved. This is a great field for developing a problem-oriented, task-oriented approach and for channeling communication between team members to a normal channel.
Reaching the operational or performance stage, the group members can provide the maximum of their individual abilities, and thus the efficiency of the group itself reaches the highest possible level. The sooner we get here, the better.
There are very few situations, even in a consciously constructed team-building program, where the phase of optimal operation would be reached as quickly as in an escape room.
In this situation, members quickly recognize how much they are dependent on the other. Moreover, the playful, exciting framework helps you not be caught up in conflicts. Therefore, they go unnoticed, having fun, to become an effective, hitting team. In addition, this is every leader's dream.