Instead of a team building sliding in boredom or corporate drinking, it is worthwhile to experience the escape rooms. An event can be organized in which everyone is actively involved for the benefit of the team.
Well-designed tasks in escape rooms can only be accomplished if all players take their share of the efforts. You can never tell who will have the big idea that solves a task.
The performance provided during the game can rearrange the internal relationships of the team. It quickly becomes clear who is good at what, how we react in a stressful situation and who can be trusted in an extreme situation.
As the limited time is one of the biggest burdens on players, it is extremely important to share their ideas effectively with each other throughout the game. For this reason, the time spent in the escape room is excellent for developing communication skills.
The escape game is also especially suitable for team building, because during the mission, the previously unknown side of the colleagues may also appear. Quickly turns out how they can work together, maybe there was a split between them? Who will be a good leader? Who is thorough, who is superficial? Who sees through the chaos and who is able to rule over it? All of these are questions that every HR persons and managers would like to get answers.
There are several categorizations of personality types, whatever they may be; each type has its own strengths and weaknesses. The four most basic personality types can be identified with the speed of light during the exit game.
According to the most basic four categories from Jung, we encounter the following personality types:
• sanguine
• choleric
• melancholic
• phlegmatic
The first two are extroverted, i.e., outward turning, and the second two are introverted, i.e., inward facing. You should get into the ideal team both types.
Sanguine people are usually cheerful, talkative people who like to be in the center of attention. Their confidence is their strength and that they treat people well. They are usually enthusiastic and resourceful. Their flammable nature, on the other hand, is sometimes harmful: they do not like monotonous, enduring tasks, if they are confronted with these, they will devote all their creativity to avoiding it.
During team building, sanguine players have a good chance of sparkling their creativity and the exploratory instinct emerges from them. There is a good chance they will enjoy the escape game, as they are happy to try new things. It is likely that ideas will flow from them until they receive recognition for it.
Choleric people, like sanguine, live outward, extroverted. Complementing the weakness of their sanguine counterparts, they are steady and persistent. They are born leaders, but they often lack the charm of a sanguine in their relationships with people. They are accurate, precise and quickly see the connections. They do not allow to be taken away by their emotions; they are able to think with a cold head even in a stressful situation.
Most likely, the team leader will be a choleric player. He has all the abilities to do this and can be good use in extreme situations. He will be able to discover the connections and coordinate the tasks of the team members. He will want to break the track record or achieve some similar, spectacular success. As time goes on, he becomes more and more impatient and can easily offend others. He will probably deliver or squeeze the result from the team, but a good mood is almost certainly not going to be there.
Melancholic people are perhaps even more characterized by creativity than sanguine people are, but in return, they do not expect to be the center of attention. Their creativity is coupled with consideration and they only speak when they are already sure of something - even then only softly. There are many artists among them because they tend to daydream. Many times, they do not have enough self-confidence, so they keep their thoughts and ideas forever.
Melancholy players are very good team players; they pay attention to the others. Sometimes it just feels good to play with them. They will be the ones who stumble in silence, and find out how to solve a part of a task. It is worth asking them sometimes what they think about before they completely surrender to daydreaming. They will not seem so motivated, but meanwhile the gears are working quietly in their brains.
Phlegmatists are calm, serene, and often seem like they have no emotions at all. They are light, funny, and sympathetic. They do not take anything seriously, so it is damn hard to motivate them. It is almost impossible to persuade them to do what they do not want to do. Their motivation is a difficult task; they try to avoid what they do not like at all costs.
In a stressful situation, the lightness and humor of phlegmatic players come in handy, with which they are able to relieve tension. They are not overly interested in the game itself, so do not even expect them to take on the leading share of the work together. Only in one case, they will be motivated, which can come in very handy: they will cut through the Gordian knot just so they do not have to bother with it much.
The ideal team, like the game, is diverse. As in a well-functioning workplace, the secret to success in the escape room is to give everyone the tasks they need to make the most of their abilities. Everyone is good at something else and can therefore contribute to solving different tasks. Most of the time, groups of friends or colleagues come in to play, so members know each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Entering the escape room, however, the world is upside down. Tasks are different from those that can be encountered in everyday life. In this way, colleagues can often get to know a side of our peers that we have not noticed before.
Just as no two gameplays are alike, no two companies are alike. That is why there is no safe secret recipe for putting together a team either. However, there are positions and roles that will almost certainly develop in your team.
Like it or not, no team can be successful without a good leader. Not even during the game. It is not different in the escape games either. We need a person who can bring players together and put them in the right direction. It is important that he communicates well and that others listen to him, as it will be his job to be able to coordinate the activities of the team members.
Not only the devil, but also the key to the puzzles of the escape rooms lies in the details. Therefore, there is someone in every successful team whose attention will not miss even the smallest details, or the faintest trace. This is how the big picture will come together, which means the solution.
It is not enough to find the clues, but also to interpret and systematize them. A player who is able to do this therefore has a very important role to play. It is essential that you see the connections and be able to come up with more and more ideas all the time. One of these will bring the whole team to success.
Only with him, it is worth entering an escape room. It may be possible that he will not help in solving any of the tasks. However, you should prepare for a game not for a stressful project. So let us take someone like him with us, whose sense of humor will always cheer up his peers.
After the formation of any group, they go through the same phases. Moreover, the goal of any conscious team-building effort is to get the group to the final phase, called operation.
The stages of development are as follows:
• Formation
• Storming
• Development of standards
• Operation
Let us see what you need to know about these!
In the first phase, the group members get to know each other and the situation they have found themselves. At this time, everyone is playing a polite and safety game. Avoids confrontation with other members.
In the escape room, this is complemented by the fact that everyone is walking in unfamiliar terrain, so they have to rely on their other strengths than usual. Already at this stage, many novelties can emerge from the players, even if they already knew each other well.
The polite acquaintance phase is followed by a period loaded with conflicts that are more turbulent. This is when the differences and contradictions that have been lurking until then come to the surface. Competition for roles within the team can also start if, for example, there are more than one ambitious candidates for the leadership position.
Sometimes work communities and companies are stuck in these battles for longer period. However, in an escape game, there is no time for this, so it is very important that your team gets over this phase quickly. The ideal is when the team clarifies the roles quickly along the lines of conflicts and after that all players can focus to find solutions effectively.
After the storm and clarification of roles within the team, norms are set. This is where, among other things, best working methods, habits and patterns of effective co-operation are born.
The solve the puzzles of the escape rooms require unusual approach from the players. It is important that they have a common understanding of the methodology along which the common goal of getting out. This is a great practice to develop a problem-oriented, task-oriented approach and to shift communication between team members to a normal channel.
Arriving at the stage of operation or performance, the group members can provide the maximum of their individual abilities, and thus the efficiency of the group itself reaches the highest possible level. The sooner we get here, the better.
Every activity that people do in a community strengthens the development of team spirit. Ideally, this is the daily work, sports, but even a shared beer.
The escape rooms are suitable for all this, because here the common goal is completely clear, and through solving the puzzles, the reward and the common sense of success are guaranteed.
In addition, the tasks of the escape rooms force the team members to use their dormant abilities that their peers or they did not know about. Thus, an escape game is not only good for polishing their knowledge together, but also for getting to know the others better. In addition, this is a precondition not only for cooperation but also for mutual respect.